New Writings From Master Li

Read Master Li's latest writing,
"How Humankind Came To Be" - Click here
"Why the Creator Seeks to Save All Life" - Click here

Welcome to Falun Dafa in Malaysia web site.

A web site designed and hosted entirely by Falun Dafa practitioners. We hope that you will find this Web Site a good place to start learning about the practice of Falun Dafa. All of the content in this site - excepting the founder's writings - represents the ideas and opinions of Falun Dafa practitioners, and should not be taken as representative of Falun Dafa itself. We merely hope to introduce this wonderful practice to you, and we hope you will take some time to explore it for yourself!




>> News


Malaysia: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Express Their Gratitude to Master Li


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Five Countries in Asia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Seven Countries in Asia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday


Rally in Malaysia Commemorates the April 25 Peaceful Appeal


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: New Practitioners Learn Falun Dafa Through Nine-Day Lecture Sessions


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners From Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


Practitioners from 57 Countries and Regions Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Iran, Mongolia and Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Malaysia: Rally on Human Rights Day Calls for an End to the Persecution in China


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Johor Bahru


Malaysia: Activities Throughout Kuala Lumpur Expose Decades of Persecution in China


Malaysia: Memorial Event Calls for End to the Persecution


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Celebrating the 31st Anniversary of the Introduction of Falun Dafa to the World


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


Malaysia: Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Malaysia: Practitioners Come Together to Study and Share Experiences


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Falun Dafa Practitioners from 46 Countries Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Locals Hear about Falun Dafa at a Health Expo


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities to Mark 23-year Effort to End the Persecution in China


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year (12 Greetings)


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year (8 Greetings)


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia and Indonesia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (25 Greetings)


Malaysia: A Unique Scene at Jalan Alor Night Market in Kuala Lumpur


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


Malaysia: People Express Their Support and Condemn the CCP’s Persecution During Activities To Commemorate the April 25 Appeal


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year (7 Greetings)


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners Involved in Truth-clarification Projects around the Globe Express Their Gratitude for Master’s Saving Grace


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Call for an End to Persecution on Human Rights Day


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (14 Greetings)


Malaysia: Events Held in Several Cities Calling for an End to the 21-Year-Long Persecution in China


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year (18 Greetings)


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Malaysia: Practitioners Learn from Each Other During Experience Sharing Conference


Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan: Parade, Rally and Candlelight Vigils Mark 20th Year of Persecution


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Across Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year (16 Greetings)


Malaysia: Learning about Falun Dafa at Health Expos in Kuala Lumpur


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


Anti-Torture Exhibit in Malaysia Marks International Human Rights Day


Falun Dafa Practitioners Share Cultivation Experiences in Malaysia


Malaysia: Public Supportive of Falun Gong at Community Event


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia and Thailand Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Introducing Falun Dafa in Schools in Malaysia


Malaysia: Introducing Falun Gong at a Health Expo


Malaysia: Large Group Learns Falun Gong Exercises at State Government Building


Malaysia: Introducing Falun Dafa at Forum for Officials and Medical Professionals


Southeast Asia: Calling for End to 19-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong


Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Malaysia


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Bring Traditional Culture to Chinese New Year Parades


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Malaysian Experience-Sharing Conference: Cultivating Ourselves and Saving People


Falun Dafa Practitioners from 9 Countries and Regions in Asia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners from 9 Countries and Regions in Asia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners from 9 Countries and Regions in Asia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Falun Dafa Practitioners from 9 Countries and Regions in Asia Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year


Malaysian Falun Dafa Practitioners Come Together for Experience Sharing


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Parade Acclaimed


Parades in Malaysia Show the Beauty of Falun Gong


Recent Falun Gong Events: “I'm Glad to Finally Learn the Real Story”


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Parades Celebrate Moon Festival


Malaysia: Experience Sharing Conference and Group Study Brings Practitioners Together from Across the Country


Malaysia: Forced Organ Harvesting Exposed in Major Chinese Newspaper


Asia: Candlelight Vigils in Four Countries Commemorate Victims of 17-Year Persecution


Falun Gong at 2016 Royal Floria Putrajaya in Malaysia


World Falun Dafa Day Celebrations in the Asia-Pacific Region


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday


Malaysia: Holiday Parades Show Beauty of Falun Dafa


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners' Performances Spread New Year Joy


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Welcomes the Coming of the Chinese New Year


Malaysia: Speaking Out About the Persecution in China on World Human Rights Day


2015 Malaysia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Kuala Lumpur


Malaysia: Promoting Falun Dafa at the 2015 Taiping Peace Festival


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Group Invited to Lead the SCI Penang Peace Run


Malaysia: Falun Gong Band Wins Award in Independence Day Parade


Malaysia: Raising Awareness and Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day


Malaysian People Enjoy Chinese New Year Parades Presented by Falun Gong Practitioners in Three Cities


Malaysia: Chinese New Year Parade Brings Blessings, Happiness and Something to Think About


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia, Thailand, and North Korea Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year


2014 Malaysia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Kuala Lumpur


Falun Gong Practitioners in Malaysia Hold Truth Clarification Activities


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally Outside the Chinese Embassy for International Human Rights Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Benefit from Group Study and Experience Sharing (Photos)


Practitioners' Parade Performance Spreads Health and Joy in Malaysia (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Kicks Off International Band Competition with Special Appearance (Photos)


Falun Gong Practitioners Bring Traditional Culture to Mid-Autumn Celebrations in Malaysia (Photos)


Tourists in Malaysia Condemn Chinese Communist Party During a Signature Collection Event


Ketam Island, Malaysia: “Now I Know Where Those Organs Came From--This Is Too Scary”


Malaysia: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day, Introducing Dafa to the Public


Rally in Malaysia Commemorates Anniversary of April 25th (Photo)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in New Year Cultural Parade in Kuantan, Pahang


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Three Chinese New Year Parades in One Day


Divine Land Marching Band Plays on a Double-Decker Bus in Malacca City, Malaysia


2013 Malaysia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference: Practitioners Treasure the Opportunity to Improve Together


Penang, Malaysia: Practitioners Share the Beauty of Falun Dafa and Raise Awareness about Forced Organ Harvesting Atrocities (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Collect Signatures Decrying the CCP Crime of Organ Harvesting (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Call on U.S. Government to Disclose Documents about Chinese Regime's Forced Organ Harvesting (Photo)


Malaysia: A Weekend of Sharing and Learning Together (Photos)


Malaysia: Signature Drive Draws Attention to Organ Harvesting Atrocities in China (Photos)


Malaysia: People on Ketam Island Sign Petition Condemning Forced Organ Harvesting (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution (Photos)


Malaysia: Art and Music Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day in Kuala Lumpur (Photos)


Falun Dafa Practitioners from Malaysia Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday (Images)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at 2013 Women's Marathon (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at a Health Charity Event in Kuala Lumpur (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners' Chinese New Year Parades Warmly Received (Photos)


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year (Images)


Malaysia: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong at the City Commission Agenda Event (Photos)


2012 Malaysia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held (Photos)


Introducing Falun Dafa at Malaysia's Largest Health Fair (Photo)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Warmly Received at Mid-Autumn Festival Parade in Segamat (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Warmly Received in Parade Ushering in the Mid-Autumn Festival (Photos)


Malaysian Divine Land Marching Band Welcomed in Its First Participation in National Day Parade (Photos)


Malaysia: Medical Professionals Pay Attention to the CCP’s Harvesting of Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos)


Malaysia: Grand Parade Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Group Participates in the Chinese New Year Parade in Johor (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Warmly Received During Chinese New Year Parade (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners’ New Year Parade Touches Local Chinese People (Photos)


Malaysia: Bringing the Wonderfulness of Falun Gong to Those Attending the Largest Food Expo (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Waist Drum Team Performs at a Banquet for 1,000 People (Photos)


Malaysia: Introducing Falun Gong at the International Health Fair (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Hold Activities to Raise Awareness about Falun Dafa (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Selangor (Photos)


Annual Group Fa Study and Exercises in Malaysia (Photos)


The Divine Land Marching Band Performs at Independence Day Celebration in Malaysia (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Band Invited to Participate in Opening Ceremony of the World Championship Marching Show Bands in Kuala Lumpur (Photos)


Malaysia: Candlelight Vigil Held to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners Tortured to Death to Mark the Occasion of July 20 (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Hold a Candlelight Vigil to Call for an End to the Persecution (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at Carnival Jom Santai (Photos)


Malay Businessman: It's My Lucky Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Spreads Messages of Falun Dafa and Is Warmly Received (Photos)


Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Chinese New Year Celebration in Malaysia (Photos)


Falun Dafa Around the World: Malacca, Malaysia (Photos)


Malaysia: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs on New Year's Day (Photos)


2010 Malaysia Fa Conference Successfully Held (Photos)


Malaysia: Hundreds of Practitioners Sit Together to Form the Words "Righteous Way" to Promote Falun Dafa (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Well Received in a Renowned Cultural Heritage Village (Photos)


Malaysia: Protesting the CCP's Persecution on International Human Rights Day (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Band Invited to India's Top 1000 Schoolmasters National Conference (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Warmly Received at a Health Fair (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Band Welcomed at Malaysian Resort (Photos)


Malaysia: Activities to Introduce Falun Gong (Photos)


Malaysia: Local Newspaper Covers Practitioners' Performance during National Day Celebration (Photos)


Malaysian Divine Land Marching Band Performs during Mid-Autumn Festival (Photos)


Introducing Falun Gong in Kuching, Malaysia (Photos)


Malaysia: Group Fa-study Held in Genting Highlands (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band at I-City on National Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Warmly Welcomed at Country Carnival (Photos)


Malaysia: Rally Calls for the End to the Persecution (Photos)


Falun Gong Practitioners in Malaysia Call for Singapore to Stop Assisting CCP with Persecution (Photos)


Malaysian Practitioners Celebrate Eleventh World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Brings the Good Messages of Falun Dafa to the International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Photos)


Malyasians Celebrate 70 Million Chinese People That Have Quit the Chinese Communist Party and Its Affiliated Organizations (Photos)

News ( no photo )

Malaysia: Chinese TV Network Covers Falun Gong Parade in Taiwan


The Malaysia Divine Land Marching Band Celebrates the Lantern Festival with Local Residents (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Parade Greets the New Year (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Provide All-Day Exercise Demo on Chinese New Year (Photos)


Malaysia: Shen Yun Sponsors Condemn the CCP's Interference in Asia (Photos)


Malaysia: Practitioners Warmly Received on the Island of Pulau Ketam (Photos)


Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Malaysia (Photos)


Malaysia: Rally Held on New Year's Day to Condemn the Persecution and Encourage People to Quit the CCP (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs on New Year's Eve (Photos)


Malaysia: Rally Held on New Year's Day to Condemn the Persecution and Encourage People to Quit the CCP (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Holiday Celebrations (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at the Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition (Photos)


Malaysian Human Rights Lawyers Support Spanish Court's Indictment of Jiang Zemin and Other Top CCP Officials (Photos)


Malaysian MP: Spanish Court Took Critical Step Forward (Photos)


Thailand: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at King's Birthday Celebration (Photos)


Practitioners Participate in Sixth Malaysian International Health Expo (Photos)


Malaysian Media Report on Spanish Court's Indictment of Jiang Zemin and Four Other CCP Officials (Photos)


Practitioners in Malaysia Introduce Falun Gong Outside Bukit Jalil National Stadium (Photos)


Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Invited to Perform for the First Open Dragon Boat Championship Held at Multimedia University Melaka (Photos)


Toronto: Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Santa Claus Parade (Photos)


Malaysia: A Rally to Support the 63 Million Courageous People That Have Quit the CCP (Photos)


Malaysia: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Held in Pulau Ketam Island (Photos)


Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in Port Dickson, Malaysia on the Eve of Malaysian Independence Day (Photos)


Malaysia: Residents in Johar Bahru Learn Falun Gong (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold March Protesting the CCP's Ten-Year Persecution (Photos)


Washington DC: Falun Gong Practitioners Spread the Fa and Clarify the Truth (Photos)


Malaysia: Such a Great Practice Should Be Widely Spread! (Photos)


Malaysia: Rally Held in Support of 55 Million Chinese Withdrawals from the Communist Party (Photos)


Malaysia: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Malacca (Photos)


Falun Dafa Now Practiced in Over One Hundred Countries, Benefiting Over 100 Million People (Photos)


Malaysia Joyously Celebrates World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)


Celebrating the Lantern Festival in Malaysia, Divine Land Marching Band Becomes the Focal Point (Photos)


Malaysia: Promoting the Fa in Malacca (Photos)


The DivineLandMarching Band Warmly Welcomed in Xinshan City of Southern Malaysia (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Band Performs at Malaysian Shopping Center (Photos)


Truth-Compassion-Forbearance International Art Exhibition Astounds Malacca, Malaysia (Photos)


The Divine Land Marching Band Shakes Up Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur on New Year's Eve (Photos)


Malaysia Divine Land Marching Band Debuts in the Cities of Brinchang and Tanah Rata (Photos)


Malaysia: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Kompleks Tabung Haji (Photos)


Malaysia: Promotional Activities Prior to Experience Sharing Conference Attracts Public Attention (Photos)


Prime Minister of Malaysia Accepts Falun Gong Books at the International Trade & Consumer Fair (Photos)


Korea: Grand Parade During the 2008 Asia Fa Conference (Photos)


The Divine Land Marching Band Is Popular in Mysore, India (Photos)


Malaysian Falun Dafa Association Hosts a Three-Day Fa-Study to Promote Overall Progress (Photos)


India: Divine Land Marching Band Becomes a Focus of Attention in Mysore (Photos)


Students and Teachers at Many Schools in India Are Practicing Falun Gong (Photos)


Malaysia: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Celebration of National Day (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Band Premieres at World Falun Dafa Day Celebration (Photos)


Divine Land Marching Bands of Malaysia and Singapore Perform Together for the First Time (Photos)


Practitioners Enter Two Teams in Local Dragon Boat Championship (Photos)


A Rally and Parade to Support the 38 Million Chinese That Have Quit the CCP and Its Affiliated Organizations and to Condemn the CCP 's Reprehensible Behavior in Flushing, NY (Photos)

  >> Other Materials
Kind-Hearted People, We Invite You to Find Out the Truth

Below are some questions that have been raised by concerned individuals in recent months.Many are in response to false allegations made by the Chinese state-run media against Falun Gong.We hope the following explanations will prove helpful to your understanding of the current situation in China...(highly recommended)


A Fact Sheet about Falun Dafa

This page lists some essential teachings of Falun Dafa, the truth of April 25 1999 incident in China and what happened to Falun Dafa in China and International after July 20 1999.


The Journey of Falun Dafa

This webpage is a photo exhibition of Falun Dafa with the title "A Return to Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance". From this exhibition you can see photo taken from 1992 till now, the journey of Falun Dafa...(highly recommended)


Audio & Video

Here you can access to some audio and video for brief introduction of Falun Dafa and the real story of Falun Dafa.



>> Links

You can download Falun Dafa materials in multilanguage from Falun You can download eBooks, Video and Audio of Falun Dafa in different language from this web site.

In Clear, you can get the latest stories of practising Falun Dafa, news and information in Europe.

Falun Dafa Information Center contains general-interest news and information about Falun Dafa and the situation in China, updated daily by practitioners.

Clear is the main Falun Dafa web site for practitioners and whoever is interested in Falun Gong issues. It is mainly for telling the truth of Falun Gong, sharing insights and information in Falun Gong and cultivation practice, and disclosing the persecution in China.


Falun Dafa Web Sites Around the World

A list of local Falun Dafa web sites all over the globe.

  >> Resources


You can watch internet online videos about cultivation stories, news report and special events from this FGM TV website.


Pure Insight

PureInsight is a forum created by volunteers who practice Falun Dafa that wish to share their insights born of study, experience, or reflection.



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